What's it All About?
Spiritualism teaches that there is a life after physical death and is able to prove through mediumship that we transition from this life to Higher Realms.
In demonstrating ‘proof of survival’ whether in a one-on-one sitting, or from the platform, a medium links with loved ones who want to make their presence known on that particular occasion, to bring through information, accurate life details and memories that can only be attributed to that particular loved one.

An Introduction to Mediumship
Mediums are not usually able to call up specific loved ones on request, as those in the spirit world come forward only when they are able and willing to do so. Mediums either ‘see’ spirit (clairvoyance), ‘hear’ (clairaudience), or ‘sense’ (clairsentience), and there may be a combination of these attributes.
Whichever, sense or combination of senses to communicate will be appropriate to the presenting medium. In a reading, a medium will make contact with the spirit communicators to bring forth the necessary information. Normally, such a reading would answer specific questions posed by the client.

Mediumship Modalities
The modalities of inspirational speaking, trance mediumship, automatic writing are all forms of spirit over-shadowment.
This is when a spiritual being who works with you, as you develop your mediumship, step into your auric energy field and harmonize spirits frequencies with yours. Then spirit, your loved ones, guides and helpers will use the consciousness of the medium for the purpose of sharing knowledge.
Depending on the level of attunement along with the level of over-shadowment the medium has achieved, this will determine, to what degree the spiritual being will be able to use you as an instrument for direct communication.

Mediumship Development
For those of you who wish to explore your own spiritual unfoldment and the development of your own mediumship and psychic abilities, or you are one who is being called to follow this path, or maybe just interested in knowing what mediumship is about, we welcome you.
The first step is in realisation of who you really are. You are spirit having a physical experience and everything that is a part of your existence is for your own soul’s growth. This journey we are all on is about self-transformation, in bringing self to truth of being.

Mediums from the Past
There are many mediums past and present who have paved the way forward to our knowledge and understanding of the spiritual world. They do this by demonstrating and teaching us about ourselves, our loved ones, and the world beyond our physical existence.
In the following section we explore and learn about some of the most famous mediums.
Spiritualism teaches that there is a life after physical death
and is able to prove through mediumship that we
transition from this life to Higher Realms.